Fill: StyleWithOpacity & {
        | FillColorGradient
        | "default"
        | "inherit"
        | "none"
        | "swimlane"
        | string;

Type declaration

  • Optionalcolor?: FillColorGradient | "default" | "inherit" | "none" | "swimlane" | string

    Possible values are all HTML color names, HEX codes, FillColorGradient, as well as special keywords such as:

    • default to use the color defined in the BPMN element default style.
    • inherit to apply the fill color of the direct parent element.
    • none for no color.
    • swimlane to apply the fill color of the nearest parent element with the type ShapeBpmnElementKind.LANE or ShapeBpmnElementKind.POOL.

    Notes about the default special keyword:

    • It can be used when the style is first updated and then needs to be reset to its initial value.
    • It doesn't use the color set in the BPMN source when the "BPMN in Color" support is enabled. It uses the color defined in the BPMN element default style.
    • If a gradient was set, it will be completely reverted.