FillColorGradient: {
    direction: GradientDirection;
    endColor: "inherit" | "none" | "swimlane" | string;
    startColor: "inherit" | "none" | "swimlane" | string;

It is a linear gradient managed by mxGraph. For more information about mxGraph, refer to the documentation at:

Notes: Using the same color for the start color and end color will have the same effect as setting only the fill color with an HTML color name, HEX code or special keyword.

Type declaration

  • direction: GradientDirection

    Specifies how the colors transition within the gradient.

    Taking the example of bottom-to-top, this means that the start color is at the bottom of the paint pattern and the end color is at the top, with a gradient between them.

  • endColor: "inherit" | "none" | "swimlane" | string

    It can be any HTML color name or HEX code, as well as special keywords such as:

  • startColor: "inherit" | "none" | "swimlane" | string

    It can be any HTML color name or HEX code, as well as special keywords such as: