ParserOptions: {
    additionalXmlAttributeProcessor?: ((value) => string);
    disableConsoleLog?: boolean;

Configure the BPMN parser.

Type declaration

  • Optional additionalXmlAttributeProcessor?: ((value) => string)

    Apply additional processing to the XML attributes in the BPMN source.

    When defined, this function is called after the bpmn-visualization attribute processing. You can use it to perform extra entities decoding. This can be done by using libraries like

    import { decodeXML } from 'entities';
    const parserOptions: ParserOptions = {
    parser: {
    additionalXmlAttributeProcessor: (val: string) => { return decodeXML(val) }
      • (value): string
      • Parameters

        • value: string

        Returns string

  • Optional disableConsoleLog?: boolean

    If true, disable the console logs produced by the parser.

