Let initialize bpmn-visualization. It requires at minimum to pass the HTMLElement in the page where the BPMN diagram is rendered.

const bpmnVisualization = new BpmnVisualization({ container: 'bpmn-container' });

For more options, see GlobalOptions






bpmnElementsRegistry: BpmnElementsRegistry

Interact with BPMN diagram elements rendered in the page.

WARN: subject to change, feedback welcome.

graph: BpmnGraph

Direct access to the mxGraph instance that powers bpmn-visualization. It is for advanced users, so please use the lib API first and access to the mxGraph instance only when there is no alternative.

WARN: subject to change, could be removed or made available in another way.

navigation: Navigation

Perform BPMN diagram navigation.

WARN: subject to change, feedback welcome.



  • Load and render the BPMN diagram.


    • xml: string

      The BPMN content as xml string

    • Optionaloptions: LoadOptions

      Let decide how to load the model and render the diagram

    Returns void

    Error when loading fails. This is generally due to a parsing error caused by a malformed BPMN content